
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Computer Software

Software is a collection of programs and that provide the instructions to a computer what to do and how to do it. We can also say software refers to one or much computer programs and data held in the storage of the computer for some purposes. In another ways, software is a set of programs, procedures, algorithms and its documentation. In difference to hardware, software is insubstantial, meaning it "cannot be touched". Software is occasionally used in a more narrow sense, denotation application software only.
Examples of computer software consist of:

Computer software is so called to differentiate it from computer hardware, that encompasses the physical interconnections and devices mandatory to stockpile and run the software. The lowest executable code consists of machine language instructions particular to an individual processor. A machine language consists of groups of binary values. Software can also be written in an assembly language, a mnemonic symbol of a machine language. Assembly language must be assembled into object code via an assembler

System software

System software provides the basic functions for computer practice and helps run the computer hardware and system. It includes a combination of the following:
  • Device drivers
  • Operating systems
  • Servers
  • Utilities
  • Window systems

Programming software

Programming software typically provides tools to assist a programmer in writing computer programs, and software using different programming languages in a more convenient way. The tools include:
  • Compilers
  • Debuggers
  • Interpreters
  • Linkers
  • Text editors

Application software

Application software is industrial to help in any mission that advantages from computation. It is a broad category, and encompasses software of many kinds. This category includes:
  • Business software
  • Databases
  • Decision making software
  • Educational software
  • Image editing
  • Industrial automation
  • Mathematical software
  • Medical software
  • Molecular modeling software
  • Quantum chemistry and solid state physics software
  • Simulation software
  • Spreadsheets

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